At Cool Beans Therapy Clubhouse (CBTC), we will complete a thorough evaluation to help you determine your child’s needs and support. You are most likely coming to us with specific concerns and questions, but we want to be comprehensive in discovering strengths and determining areas of need. Assessments may include discussion with parents, teachers or daycare providers, and physicians or other therapy providers. A review of records and questionnaires may be necessary to provide important medical and social history. Observations and formal evaluations will be completed at The Clubhouse, but observations in the home, school, and/or daycare environment may also be needed. Once all portions of the assessment are completed, the Occupational Therapist will meet with parents to discuss the written report and answer any questions or concerns. Recommendations, a potential treatment plan, and the development of goals will be determined with parent input.
If you are seeking services or have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.